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"Jojo says Seth Keywords"
"The conscious had to appreciate in quite real terms its dependence upon intuitional wisdom. There had to be agreement and unity. The conscious self was not to be left by the wayside, wondering while the intuitional abilities led to fulfillment."
" Jojo speaks Seth keywords "
Course Mode
Live + Online synchronization
Live : Play Seth (63 Yunhe Street, Taipei)
Online : ZOOM
Date/Time : Thursday 2:00pm-5:00pm
Price : $1,300/course
1. Those students who participated in all courses of
the Seth Speak English, or all courses of the Seth
keywords Session I, and then participate in all
courses of the Seth Keywords Session II can
enjoy NT$21,600 benefit
2. The full term fee can be paid by one time or three
periods (Pay before 4/3, 7/3, 10/2)
* The course will be recorded and students will enjoy the playback of the video files after the course
* If it is impossible to carry out in person due to the government's COVIN-19 regulations, it will be changed to online
Course Mode
The course lasts for two weeks and one week off
Upload the pre-class questionnaire on Monday to provide students with chapter content
Date/Time :
06/12/2022 20:00~21:30
06/26/2022 20:00~21:30
Please contact Johnson Lee for course registration (LINE ID : irene0422)
Universal Life Firm Guanyi Liu
The Nature of Personal Reality Online Studying Session
※Guide self-study to implement life※
◎ Pre-class questionnaire, key reminders
◎ Online guide, real-time discussion
◎ Audio files, text summaries can be read at any time
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